domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

King of the Nations

Como eu havia prometido no post anterior... Aí está

Receive Africa and Oceania                    
Receive Asia and South America
Receive   Europe and North America
Central America and Outlying Islands
Belongs to you

King of all the earth
Extends your government
Your kingdom come, Give us your Glory, Give us
Your power Lord.

King of holiness
Cover us with your mantle
May your domain get in my life
Holy God.

All of the honor
All of the glory
All of the prayer and worship to you
It's my  desire
to see your name
Exalted forever
Jesus you are Holy 
You are God alone

One day every Knee Shall bow
Very soon every tongue will confess
From every tribes and nations

Jesus, He is Lord      

Letra em português: Esly Nascimento
Versão: Mariucha Waleska

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

reconhece o que Deus tem guardado pra seu povo, é dificil.